Thursday, September 22, 2011

Videogame Bits: Tron (1982)

By Terry Cleveland

While Tron may not technically be a video game adaptation it’s still a movie about video games (and therefore applicable to this column) and is easily better than most of the other trash of the genre by a significant margin.

The film starts out in a trippy computer world with a hefty dose of neon and some crazy visuals. This is where we get the beginnings of a plot about a tyrannical dictator or MCP ( Master Control Program/ virtual Hitler) that holds and iron grip on the system. The MCP  is trying to be hacked from the real world by software engineer and video gamer extraordinaire Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges). Apparently Kevin, who used to work for the company responsible for the MCP, was the original inventor of a host of successful video games that were stolen by the current vice president who coasted in to his current managerial position on the backs of said video game sales. Kevin repeatedly tries to hack into the system to get the proof that he was the inventor of the video games and not Ed Dillinger (David Warner). Somehow on account of a conveniently placed matter transference ray and an angry MCP Kevin gets digitized and flung into the virtual world and forced to fight for his life in a series of grisly gladiatorial like games.
While the plot isn’t particularly strong or compelling, the visuals are absolutely exquisite considering that this film was made in 1982. Most of the special effects are a creative blend of neon colored lights, some cartoon/early CGI effects and camera filters that come together in an engrossing spectacle that is as silly as it is entertaining. The film is from an earlier time when sci-fi directors were forced to actually think inventively and use real film sets and props instead of paying someone on a computer to digitally superimpose things onto a green sheet (Yeah, I’m talking to you George Lucas. Shit-head) and not only does this one stand the test of time, but it’s a damn good film to boot.
 I hadn’t seen this movie in a long time and was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked it just as much as when I was a kid.  Sci-fi and video game nerds should see this one if they haven’t already.
4.5 out of 5

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